Opentherm Monitor Sources

If you want to make changes to Opentherm Monitor, you can download the otmonitor sources zip file or the latest development version from github. To run the application from sources you need the appropriate tclkit. Below you can download the ones that were used to create the platform specific binaries. These tclkits differ from those you may find elsewhere on the web in that they include a number of extra extensions, like tls, tdom, and dbus.

Operating system Version Date Size File Downloads
linuxLinux-x86 (32 bit) 8.6.12 Aug 14, 2022 5543260 tclkit 550
linuxLinux-x86 (64 bit) 8.6.12 Aug 14, 2022 5156645 tclkit 1121
R-Pi linuxLinux-armhf 8.6.12 Aug 14, 2022 4702176 tclkit 862
R-Pi linuxLinux-aarch64 8.6.12 Aug 14, 2022 5336334 tclkit 560
Win32Windows 8.6.12 Aug 16, 2022 8775601 tclkit.exe 1091

Then all you need to run the application is to unzip the archive and execute otmonitor.vfs/main.tcl with the tclkit. On linux you can do that with the command line:
# ./tclkit otmonitor.vfs/main.tcl
On windows you can drag otmonitor.vfs/main.tcl onto tclkit.exe, or make a shortcut to tclkit.exe, where you set the target to: tclkit.exe otmonitor.vfs\main.tcl

If you add some features that may be useful for other users as well, please get in touch with me (hvxl) on the domotica forum to discuss including your features in the published version.

Single-file executable

After you have made changes to the sources, you can put things back into a single file executable by following these steps:
  • Download the sdx kit and save it as sdx.kit.
  • Download the tclkit for the platform you're working on from the list above and save it as tclkit (tclkit.exe on windows).
  • Download the tclkit for the target platform from the list above and save it as runtime (runtime.exe for windows). If both platforms are the same, you can just make copy.
  • Put these three files in the directory where your otmonitor.vfs directory is located.
  • Open a command shell and navigate to that directory.
  • Run one of the following commands, depending on the current- and target platforms:
      linux → linux
      ./tclkit sdx.kit wrap otmonitor -runtime runtime
      linux → windows
      ./tclkit sdx.kit wrap otmonitor.exe -runtime runtime.exe
      windows → windows
      tclkit sdx.kit wrap otmonitor.exe -runtime runtime.exe
      windows → linux
      tclkit sdx.kit wrap otmonitor -runtime runtime
  • Wait a few seconds for the executable to be created.
  • On windows, type exit in the console window to close it.
If a different tclkit than the ones provided above is required, you can build your own using KitCreator, or a similar tool.