Firmware for the OpenTherm Gateway
Fail-safe design
Even though the gateway was designed in such a way that OpenTherm messages
can be forwarded by the device using only hardware functions of the PIC
after very minimal initialization, this is not the normal operating mode of
the gateway. Simply passing on the OpenTherm messages unmodified would limit
the possibilities of the device to monitoring only. However, the almost
non-existing requirements for the code to be able to forward messages makes
it ideal as a safety net for when things go completely awry. If the device
ever resets as a result of a watchdog timeout, it falls back to this mode.
The gateway also takes advantage of this feature during
self-programming. So even when the firmware is being
updated, the thermostat will still be able to communicate with the boiler.
Normal operation
During normal operation the gateway collects the request from the thermostat
and possibly manipulates it before sending it on to the boiler. The full
message has to be received before it can be examined and passed on. This
delays the message to the boiler by the duration of a message. The same
thing happens with the response on the way back from the boiler to the
The complete round-trip of a request from the thermostat to the boiler with
a response back to the thermostat takes about 70ms longer than it would
without the gateway in between. Fortunately the OpenTherm specification
allows a response to take up to 800ms to be delivered to the thermostat. The
boiler generally answers within 200ms, so an additional 70ms does not cause
a problem.
In fact, it is even possible to use multiple gateways in series.
After power-up, each message that is received by the gateway is reported on
the serial interface. Such a report consists of a letter indicating whether
the message was received from the thermostat ('T') or the boiler ('B'),
followed by 8 hexadecimal digits representing the four data bytes of the
message. If the gateway changes the message before sending it on, the
changed message is also reported on the serial interface. In this case the
first letter indicates if the message is a request sent to the boiler ('R'),
or a response (answer) returned to the thermostat ('A'). In case of a parity
or stop-bit error, the received message is reported with an 'E' as the first
If desired the gateway can also be instructed to only report the collected
information upon demand. See the PS=1 command below for
more information.
The OTGW may also report events related to the thermostat:
- Thermostat disconnected
- A voltage level exceeding the range allowed by the Opentherm
specification has been detected on the thermostat connector. This usually
means that no thermostat is connected, although it will also happen when an
on/off thermostat is used.
- Thermostat connected
- A valid Opentherm voltage level has been detected after the thermostat
had previously been determined to be disconnected.
- Low power
- A thermostat using Smart Power has switched back to normal (low power)
- Medium power
- A thermostat using Smart Power has switched to medium power.
- High power
- A thermostat using Smart Power has switched to high power.
If an error is detected while receiving an OpenTherm message, the error is
reported on the serial interface and the gateway waits for the OpenTherm
connection to become idle before resuming operation. A connection is
considered idle when no level change has occurred in at least 10 ms.
The following errors are defined:
- Error 01
- Level changes happen too rapidly (disabled by default)
- Error 02
- The stop bit was 0 while it should be 1
- Error 03
- A bit was not received when it was expected
- Error 04
- A parity error was detected on a received opentherm message
Special Data IDs
The firmware of the gateway was designed to treat several Data IDs specially:
- Read-Data Status (ID=0)
- The gateway may manipulate bits 0, 1, and 4 in the master status byte
depending on the setting of the CH,
HW, and H2 commands before
forwarding the request to the boiler.
The original value of the master status byte is restored before sending the
response to the thermostat.
- Write-Data Control Setpoint (ID=1)
- If a setpoint override value has been configured,
the gateway will send the configured setpoint instead of the one received
from the thermostat.
- Write-Data Master configuration (ID=2)
- If the thermostat specifies Smart Power support the gateway will
acknowledge it, regardless of the boiler response.
- Read-Data RBP-flags (ID=6)
- If the boiler doesn't support the DHW Setpoint or Max CH Setpoint
parameters, the gateway will simulate read access.
- Write-Data Control Setpoint 2 (ID=8)
- If a setpoint override value has been configured
for the 2nd heating circuit, the gateway will send the configured setpoint
instead of the one received from the thermostat.
- Read-Data SetPointOverride (ID=9)
- The gateway sends a Read-Ack message with the last configured override
setpoint value. Initially the override room setpoint is 0.0, meaning "no
override". The gateway will continue to send a setpoint override value until
it detects that the thermostat no longer honors the change (probably because
it was canceled by a manual action or by the thermostat schedule). When
that happens the override room setpoint resets itself to 0.0.
- Write-Data Maximum relative modulation level (ID=14)
- If a maximum relative modulation level value has
been configured, the gateway will send the configured setpoint instead of
the one received from the thermostat.
- Write-Data DayTime (ID=20)
- Normally the gateway will acknowledge the time and day by returning the
received data to the thermostat.
After the gateway receives a Set Clock serial command,
the information specified in the command will be returned in the Write-Ack
OpenTherm response instead. The time and day information from a serial
command will only be retained for a maximum of about 61 seconds after the
command was received because the gateway doesn't have the ability to
accurately keep track of time, so it leaves that up to the thermostat.
- Read-Data OutsideTemperature (ID=27)
- Initially the gateway will pass on the value received from the boiler,
or return a Data-Invalid message if the boiler doesn't provide an outside
temperature value. If an outside temperature sensor is connected to the GPIO
pins of the gateway, or an outside temperature has been configured using the
OT serial command, the gateway sends a Read-Ack message
with the measured or configured outside temperature value.
- Read-Data Return water temperature (ID=28)
- If the boiler doesn't provide a return water temperature, a temperature
sensor can be connected to the GPIO pins of the gateway to provide this
If the boiler does provide a return water temperature in a ReadAck, it will
override the value from the temperature sensor. If that is not desired,
message ID 28 can be marked as an unknown data ID:
Note: Only a single temperature sensor is supported. It is not possible to
get both the outside temperature and the return water temperature from
external sensors.
- Read/Write-Data DHW Setpoint (ID=56)
- If a hot water setpoint value has been configured,
the gateway will send the configured setpoint instead of the one received
from the thermostat.
- Read/Write-Data Max CH water Setpoint (ID=57)
- If a max central heating setpoint value has been
configured, the gateway will send the configured setpoint instead of the one
received from the thermostat.
- Write-Data Relative ventilation (ID=71)
- If a relative ventilation value has been
configured, the gateway will send the configured value instead of the one
received from the thermostat.
- Read-Data FunctionOverride (ID=100)
- The gateway sends a Read-Ack message with a value depending on the type
of the last override setpoint configuration command. If a continuous
temperature change was specified the returned value will be 0. For a
temporary temperature change the value is 2 (enable overruling remote
setpoint by program setpoint change).
- Read-Data OpenTherm version Slave (ID=125)
- The gateway implements OpenTherm protocol specification version 3.0.
Obtaining additional information
When the device is powered up, the gateway initially passes on most
messages unmodified. If the boiler replies to a certain message with an
Unknown-DataId response, this is recorded. After three consecutive
Unknown-DataId responses for a specific Data ID, the gateway concludes that
the boiler doesn't support that Data ID.
The next time the thermostat sends a requests for the same Data ID, the
gateway can assume the boiler would return an Unknown-DataId response again.
So there is not much use forwarding the request.
This is referred to as an "available slot" that the gateway may use to
send its own requests to the boiler.
When the response for the substituted Data ID comes back from the boiler,
the gateway sends an Unknown-DataId response for the original request to the
After a restart, the gateway will first use the available slots to obtain
information about the boiler, such as the bounds for the DHW- and Max CH
setpoints, and whether these setpoints can be modified via Opentherm.
Various commands will also use one or more available slots to perform their
function. Since these functions must wait for an available slot, there will
be some delay before the data can be collected. If a new command requiring
an available slot is executed before the previous one completed, the new
command will cancel the older command. There is no queue.
When there are no pending requests for an available slot, the gateway
selects an alternative Data ID from an internal table and sends that to the
boiler instead.
This table can be manipulated using the add alternative
and delete alternative commands.
A maximum of 32 alternative Data IDs can be defined. The same Data ID may be
specified multiple times to increase the frequency it will be requested.
If the table of alternative Data IDs is empty, the gateway relinquishes the
opportunity to use the available slot and forwards the request from the
In case of a combination of a thermostat that doesn't request many different
Data IDs and a boiler that supports all of them, there would not be any
available slots for the gateway to use. This would prevent several of the
gateway features to work. To solve this situation, one or more of the
requests sent by the thermostat can be configured as unknown using the
unknown ID command, even though the boiler actually
supports them. The gateway will then replace such messages with its own
Obviously this should not be done for Data IDs that are crucial for the
operation of the heating system.
Contrary to what some people think, boilers have no need for the room
setpoint and room temperature. These parameters get turned into a control
setpoint by the thermostat, which actually controls the boiler. So MsgIDs 16
and 24 are good candidates if you can't find a sacrificial Data ID.
Indicators and GPIO
Since the PIC had some unused I/O pins, I decided to use a couple of those
to allow LEDs to be connected for indicating certain situations.
The function of the LEDs can be configured using the LA,
LB, LC, and LD serial commands. The initial assignment is:
- RB3 (pin 9) — Flame (F)
- Low when the flame of the boiler is burning.
- RB4 (pin 10) — Transmit (X)
- Low while an OpenTherm message is being transmitted to either the
thermostat or the boiler.
- RB6 (pin 12) — Temperature override (O)
- Low during a remote temperature override state.
- RB7 (pin 13) — Boiler trouble (M)
- The boiler is reporting a problem condition and requires maintenance.
Two more I/O pins of the PIC are used a GPIO pins. The function of these
pins can also be selected via the GA and GB serial
commands. The initial assignment is:
- RA6 (pin 15) — GPIO A
- Input
- RA7 (pin 16) — GPIO B
- Input
The LED and GPIO port configuration is stored in EEPROM so they will survive
a power interruption.
Details on how to connect the LEDs and other components to the I/O ports are
described on a separate page.
Serial commands
The operation of the gateway can be influenced by sending commands over the
serial interface. All commands consist of a command code made up of two
uppercase letters, an equals sign, and a data value. Commands are terminated
by a carriage return character. A line feed character is optional. The
gateway returns a response for each command it receives. Each response ends
with a carriage return and a line feed character.
The serial interface uses 8-bit data words with no parity and 1 stop bit at
9600 baud.
When a serial command is accepted by the gateway, it responds with the two
letters of the command code, a colon, and the interpreted data value.
- Examples:
- Command: "TT=19.125"
- Response: "TT: 19.13"
If the gateway fails to parse the command, it produces one of the following
- NG — No Good
- The command code is unknown.
- SE — Syntax Error
- The command contained an unexpected character or was incomplete.
- BV — Bad Value
- The command contained a data value that is not allowed.
- OR — Out of Range
- A number was specified outside of the allowed range.
- NS — No Space
- The alternative Data-ID could not be added because the table is full.
- NF — Not Found
- The specified alternative Data-ID could not be removed because it does
not exist in the table.
- OE — Overrun Error.
- The processor was busy and failed to process all received characters.
The following serial commands are currently available:
- TT=temperature [*]
- Temperature, Temporary — Temporarily change the thermostat
setpoint. The thermostat program will resume at the next programmed setpoint
Values between 0.0 and 30.0 are allowed. A value of 0 indicates no remote
override is to be applied.
Examples: TT=19.5, TT=0
- TC=temperature [*]
- Temperature, Constant — Change the thermostat setpoint.
The thermostat program will not change this setting.
Values between 0.0 and 30.0 are allowed.
A value of 0 cancels the remote override.
Examples: TC=16.0, TC=0
- OT=temperature
- Outside temperature — Configures the outside temperature to send
to the thermostat.
Allowed values are between -40.0 and +64.0, although thermostats may not
display the full range.
Clear the configured value by specifying a non-numeric value.
Examples: OT=-3.5, OT=-
- SC=time/day [*]
- Set Clock — Change the time and day of the week of the thermostat.
The gateway will send the specified time and day of the week in response to
the next time and date message from the thermostat.
The time must be specified as HH:MM. The day of the week must be specified
as a single digit between 1 (Monday) and 7 (Sunday).
Examples: SC=9:00/1, SC=23:59/4
- HW=state
- Hot Water — Control the domestic hot water enable option.
If the boiler has been configured to let the room unit control when to keep
a small amount of water preheated, this command can influence that.
A state of 0 or 1 will tell the boiler whether or not to keep the
water warm.
P will perform a DHW push (heat the water tank once).
Any other single character causes the gateway to let the thermostat control
the boiler.
The DHW push functionality is experimental, and is only available in the
PIC16F1847 firmware.
Possible values are 0, 1, P, or any other single character.
Examples: HW=1, HW=P, HW=T
- PR=item
- Print Report — Request the gateway to report some information
item. The following items are currently defined:
- About opentherm gateway (prints the welcome message)
- Build date and time
- The clock speed the code was compiled for (4 MHz)
- The DS18x20 temperature sensor function. O=Outside temperature,
R=Return water temperature.
- Temperature measured by external temperature sensor
(PIC16F1847 only).
- Check if the PIC can be flashed by otgwmcu (PIC16F1847 only).
- Configured functions for the two GPIO pins. The response will
be 2 digits that represent the functions of GPIO A and GPIO B respectively.
- Current state of the two GPIO pins. The response will be 2
digits that represent the level (0 or 1) of GPIO A and GPIO B respectively.
- Configured functions for all 6 LEDS. The response consists of
6 letters representing the functions of LED A through LED F.
- Gateway mode. G=Gateway, M=Monitor.
- The currently configured message interval for stand-alone mode.
- Report the setpoint override value
- Current Smart-Power mode (low/medium/high).
- Cause of the last reset. Possible return values:
- Brown out (supply voltage dropped below 4.35V on PIC16F88 or
2.7V on PIC16F1847)
- By command (GW=R)
- External reset (using the reset button)
- Stuck in a loop (same message received 64x)
- Stack overflow (PIC16F1847 only)
- Power on
- BREAK condition on the serial interface
- Stack underflow (PIC16F1847 only)
- Watch dog timer
- The state of the automatic Remeha thermostat detection.
- The configured setback temperature.
- Tweaks. Reports the state of the ignore transitions and
override in high byte settings.
- Report the reference voltage setting
- Report the domestic hot water setting
Examples: PR=L, PR=A
- PS=state
- Print Summary — The opentherm gateway normally prints every
opentherm message it receives, as well as the modified messages it
In some applications it may be more useful to only get a report of the
latest values received for the most interesting parameters on demand.
Issuing a "PS=1" command will stop the reports for each message and print
one line with the following values:
- Status (MsgID=0) — Printed as two 8-bit bit fields
- Control setpoint (MsgID=1) — Printed as a floating point value
- Remote parameter flags (MsgID=6) — Printed as two 8-bit bit fields
- Cooling control signal (MsgID=7) — Printed as a floating point
- Control setpoint 2 (MsgID=8) — Printed as a floating point value
- Maximum relative modulation level (MsgID=14) — Printed as a
floating point value
- Boiler capacity and modulation limits (MsgID=15) — Printed as two
- Room setpoint (MsgID=16) — Printed as a floating point value
- Relative modulation level (MsgID=17) — Printed as a floating point
- CH water pressure (MsgID=18) — Printed as a floating point value
- DHW flow rate (MsgID=19) — Printed as floating point value
- CH2 room setpoint (MsgID=23) — Printed as a floating point value
- Room temperature (MsgID=24) — Printed as a floating point value
- Boiler water temperature (MsgID=25) — Printed as a floating point
- DHW temperature (MsgID=26) — Printed as a floating point value
- Outside temperature (MsgID=27) — Printed as a floating point value
- Return water temperature (MsgID=28) — Printed as a floating point
- CH2 flow temperature (MsgID=31) — Printed as a floating point value
- Boiler exhaust temperature (MsgID=33) — Printed as a signed
decimal value
- DHW setpoint boundaries (MsgID=48) — Printed as two bytes
- Max CH setpoint boundaries (MsgID=49) — Printed as two bytes
- DHW setpoint (MsgID=56) — Printed as a floating point value
- Max CH water setpoint (MsgID=57) — Printed as a floating point
- V/H master status (MsgID=70) — Printed as two 8-bit bit fields
- V/H control setpoint (MsgID=71) — Printed as a byte
- Relative ventilation (MsgID=77) — Printed as a byte
- Burner starts (MsgID=116) — Printed as a decimal value
- CH pump starts (MsgID=117) — Printed as a decimal value
- DHW pump/valve starts (MsgID=118) — Printed as a decimal value
- DHW burner starts (MsgID=119) — Printed as a decimal value
- Burner operation hours (MsgID=120) — Printed as a decimal value
- CH pump operation hours (MsgID=121) — Printed as a decimal value
- DHW pump/valve operation hours (MsgID=122) — Printed as a decimal
- DHW burner operation hours (MsgID=123) — Printed as a decimal value
A new report can be requested by repeating the "PS=1" command.
Examples: PS=1, PS=0
- GW=state
- GateWay — The opentherm gateway initially starts up in back-to-back
mode. While this is the most useful mode of operation, it also means that the
firmware must be able to decode the requests received from the thermostat
before it can send them on to the boiler.
The same is true for responses from the boiler back to the thermostat.
By changing this setting to "0" (monitor mode), the received signal level is
passed through to the output driver without any processing.
This can be a useful diagnostic tool when there are communication problems
immediately after the gateway has been built.
See the troubleshooting section for more
The configured operating mode is stored in non-volatile memory, so the OTGW
will resume in the selected mode after a reset.
This command can also be used to reset the gateway by specifying "R" as the
state value.
Examples: GW=1, GW=R
- LA=function
- LB=function
- LC=function
- LD=function
- LE=function
- LF=function
- LED A / LED B / LED C / LED D / LED E / LED F — These commands can
be used to configure the functions of the six LEDs that can optionally be
connected to pins RB3/RB4/RB6/RB7 and the GPIO pins of the PIC. The
following functions are currently available:
- Receiving an Opentherm message from the thermostat or boiler
- Transmitting an Opentherm message to the thermostat or boiler
- Transmitting or receiving a message on the master interface
- Transmitting or receiving a message on the slave interface
- Remote setpoint override is active
- Flame is on
- Central heating is on
- Hot water is on
- Comfort mode (Domestic Hot Water Enable) is on
- Transmission error has been detected
- Boiler requires maintenance
- Raised power mode active on thermostat interface.
Examples: LC=F, LD=M
- GA=function
- GB=function
- GPIO A / GPIO B — These commands configure the functions of the
two GPIO pins of the gateway. The following functions are available:
- Input — A general digital input port. The state can be obtained
using the PR=I command. This is the default for both ports on a freshly
flashed chip.
- Ground — A permanently low output (0V). Could be used for a power
- Vcc — A permanently high output (5V). Can be used as a short-proof
power supply for some external circuitry used by the other GPIO port.
- LED E — An additional LED if you want to present more than 4 LED
- LED F — An additional LED if you want to present more than 5 LED
- Home — Set thermostat to setback temperature when pulled low.
- Away — Set thermostat to setback temperature when pulled high.
- DS1820 (GPIO port B only) — Data line for a DS18S20, DS18B20, or
DS1822 temperature sensor used to measure the outside temperature or return
water temperature. A 4k7 resistor should be connected between GPIO port
B and Vcc.
- DHWBlock — Activate DHW blocking when pulled low (PIC16F1847 only).
Examples: GA=2, GB=7
- SB=Data-ID
- SetBack temperature — Configure the setback temperature to use in
combination with GPIO functions HOME (5) and AWAY (6). Note: The SB command
may need to store 2 bytes in EEPROM. This takes more time than it takes to
transfer a command over the serial interface. If you immediately follow the
SB command by more commands that store configuration data in EEPROM, the
gateway may not be able to handle all commands. To avoid any problems when
sending a sequence of configuration commands, send the SB command last.
Examples: SB=15, SB=16.5
- TS=function
- Temperature Sensor — Select the temperature sensor function.
The following functions are available:
- Outside temperature
- Return water temperature
Examples: TS=O, TS=R
- AA=Data-ID
- Add Alternative — Add the specified Data-ID to the list of
alternative commands to send to the boiler instead of a Data-ID that is
known to be unsupported by the boiler.
Alternative Data-IDs will always be sent to the boiler in a Read-Data
request message with the data-value set to zero.
The table of alternative Data-IDs is stored in non-volatile memory so it will
persist even if the gateway has been powered off.
Data-ID values from 1 to 255 are allowed.
Examples: AA=33, AA=117
- DA=Data-ID
- Delete Alternative — Remove the specified Data-ID from the list of
alternative commands. Only one occurrence is deleted. If the Data-ID appears
multiple times in the list of alternative commands, this command must be
repeated to delete all occurrences. The table of alternative Data-IDs is
stored in non-volatile memory so it will persist even if the gateway has
been powered off.
Data-ID values from 1 to 255 are allowed.
Examples: DA=116, DA=123
- UI=Data-ID
- Unknown ID — Inform the gateway that the boiler doesn't support the
specified Data-ID, even if the boiler doesn't indicate that by returning an
Unknown-DataId response. Using this command allows the gateway to send an
alternative Data-ID to the boiler instead.
Examples: UI=18, UI=6
- KI=Data-ID
- Known ID — Start forwarding the specified Data-ID to the boiler
This command resets the counter used to determine if the specified Data-ID
is supported by the boiler.
Examples: KI=18, KI=123
- PM=Data-ID
- Priority Message — Specify a one-time priority message to be sent
to the boiler at the first opportunity.
If the specified message returns the number of Transparent Slave Parameters
(TSPs) or Fault History Buffers (FHBs), the gateway will proceed to request
those TSPs or FHBs.
Examples: PM=10, PM=72
- SR=Data-ID:data
- Set Response — Configure a response to send back to the thermostat
instead of the response produced by the boiler. The data argument is either
one or two bytes separated by a comma.
Examples: SR=18:1,205, SR=70:14
- CR=Data-ID
- Clear Response — Clear a previously configured response to send
back to the thermostat.
Examples: CR=18, CR=70
- SH=temperature
- Setpoint Heating — Set the maximum central heating setpoint.
Return control of the central heating setpoint to the thermostat by
specifying a temperature of 0.
This command is only effective with boilers that support this function.
Examples: SH=72.5, SH=+20, SH=0
- SW=temperature
- Setpoint Water — Set the domestic hot water setpoint.
Return control of the hot water setpoint to the thermostat by specifying a
temperature of 0.
This command is only effective with boilers that support this function.
Examples: SW=60, SW=+40.0, SW=0
- MM=percentage
- Maximum Modulation — Override the maximum relative modulation from
the thermostat.
Valid values are 0 through 100.
Clear the setting by specifying a non-numeric value.
Examples: MM=100, MM=T
- CS=temperature
- Control Setpoint — Manipulate the control setpoint being sent to
the boiler. Set to 0 to pass along the value specified by the thermostat.
To stop the boiler heating the house, set the control setpoint to some low
value and clear the CH enable bit using the CH command.
A CS command with a value of 8 or higher must be repeated at least every
minute as long as adjustment is needed.
This is a vigilance check to prevent runaway heating in case the controlling
program loses its connection, or crashes.
Warning: manipulating these values may severely impact the control
algorithm of the thermostat, which may cause it to start heating much too
early or too aggressively when it is actually in control.
Examples: CS=45.8, CS=0
- C2=temperature
- Control Setpoint for 2nd CH circuit — Manipulate the
control setpoint being sent to the boiler for the second CH circuit.
Set to 0 to pass along the value specified by the thermostat.
A C2 command with a value of 8 or higher must be repeated at least every
minute as long as adjustment is needed.
This is a vigilance check to prevent runaway heating in case the controlling
program loses its connection, or crashes.
Examples: C2=45.8, C2=0
- CH=state
- Central Heating — When using external control of the control
setpoint (via a CS command with a value other than 0), the gateway sends a
CH enable bit in MsgID 0 that is controlled using the CH command.
Initially this bit is set to 1.
When external control of the control setpoint is disabled (CS=0), the CH
enable bit is controlled by the thermostat.
Examples: CH=0, CH=1
- H2=state
- Central Heating 2nd circuit — When using external
control of the control setpoint (via a C2 command with a value other than
0), the gateway sends a CH2 enable bit in MsgID 0 that is controlled using
the H2 command. Initially this bit is set to 1.
When external control of the control setpoint is disabled (C2=0), the CH2
enable bit is controlled by the thermostat.
Examples: H2=0, H2=1
- VS=percentage
- Ventilation Setpoint — Configure a ventilation setpoint override
Clear the setting by specifying a non-numeric value.
Examples: VS=25, VS=100
- RS=counter
- Reset — Clear boiler counter, if supported by the boiler.
Available counter names are:
HBS | | Central heating burner starts |
HBH | | Central heating burner operation hours |
HPS | | Central heating pump starts |
HPH | | Central heating pump operation hours |
WBS | | Domestic hot water burner starts |
WBH | | Domestic hot water burner operation hours |
WPS | | Domestic hot water pump starts |
WPH | | Domestic hot water pump operation hours |
- IT=state
- Ignore Transitions — If the opentherm signal doesn't cleanly
transition from one level to the other, the circuitry may detect multiple
transitions when there should only be one.
When this setting is off (IT=0), the gateway will report "Error 01" for
those cases.
With this setting on (IT=1), any rapid bouncing of the signal is ignored.
This is the default.
Examples: IT=0, IT=1
- OH=state
- Override in High byte — The Opentherm specification contains
contradicting information about which data byte of Data-ID 100 should hold
the override bits. When this setting is off (OH=0), the gateway will only
put the bits in the low byte. When the setting is on (OH=1), the bits are
copied to the high byte so they appear in both bytes. This is the
Examples: OH=0, OH=1
- FT=model
- Force Thermostat — To be able to apply special treatment required
by some thermostat models, the gateway will try to auto-detect which
thermostat is connected.
In some cases it is unable to determine this correctly.
This configuration option can then be used to force the model. Valid models
are: 'C' (Remeha Celcia 20), 'I' (Remeha iSense), and 'S' (Standard).
Any other letter restores the default auto-detect functionality.
Examples: FT=C, FT=D
- VR=level
- Voltage Reference — Change the reference voltage used as a
threshold for the comparators.
This configuration option is stored in non-volatile memory so it will
persist even if the gateway has been powered off.
The level must be specified as a single digit according to the following
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
PIC16F88 |
0.625V |
0.833V |
1.042V |
1.250V |
1.458V |
1.667V |
1.875V |
2.083V |
2.292V |
2.500V |
PIC16F1847 |
0.832V |
0.960V |
1.088V |
1.216V |
1.344V |
1.472V |
1.600V |
1.728V |
1.856V |
1.984V |
The normal value is 4 on a PIC16F88 and 5 on a PIC16F1847.
Examples: VR=3, VR=4
- DP=address
- Debug Pointer — Set the debug pointer to a file register.
If the debug pointer has been set to a value other than 00, the contents of
the selected file register will be reported over the serial interface.
The report is repeated after each received OpenTherm message.
The address must be specified in hexadecimal, using 2 characters on a
PIC16F88, 2 or 3 characters on a PIC16F1847.
Setting the pointer to 0 switches off the debug reports.
Examples: DP=1F, DP=1D0, DP=00
The following additional functions are only available in the PIC16F1847
- CL=percentage
- Cooling level — Configure a cooling control signal override value.
Clear the setting by specifying a non-numeric value.
Examples: CL=75, CL=A
- CE=state
- Cooling enable — When using external control of the cooling plant
(via the CL command), the gateway sends a cooling enable bit in MsgID 0 that
can be manipulated using the CE command. Initially the bit is set to 1. When
external control of the cooling plant is disabled, the cooling enable bit is
controlled by the thermostat.
Examples: CE=1, CE=0
- MH=mode [*]
- Mode, Heating — Set the operating mode for the primary heating
Currently defined modes are: 0=No override, 1=Auto, 2=Comfort, 3=Precomfort,
4=Reduced, 5=Protection, 6=Off.
Examples: MH=1, MH=0
- M2=mode [*]
- Mode for 2nd CH circuit — Set the operating mode for the
secondary heating circuit.
Currently defined modes are: 0=No override, 1=Auto, 2=Comfort, 3=Precomfort,
4=Reduced, 5=Protection, 6=Off.
Examples: M2=2, M2=0
- MW=mode [*]
- Mode, Water — Set the operating mode for domestic hot water.
Currently defined modes are: 0=No override, 1=Auto, 2=Anti-Legionella,
3=Comfort, 4=Reduced, 5=Protection, 6=Off.
Examples: MW=4, MW=0
- RR=code
- Remote Request — Send a special service request to the boiler
Make sure to only invoke a command when the appropriate conditions are met.
For example, requesting remote filling (RR=2) is only allowed when the remote
filling function bit is not set (ID3:HB6) and the boiler indicated a fault
(ID0:LB0) due to low water pressure (ID5:HB2). The OTGW does not enforce
these rules.
Currently defined remote requests are:
- Back to normal operation mode
- Boiler Lock-out Reset request
- CH water filling request
- Service mode maximum power request (aka chimney sweep function)
- Service mode minimum power request (for CO2 measurement)
- Service mode spark test request (no gas)
- Service mode fan maximum speed request (no flame)
- Service mode fan to minimum speed request (no flame)
- Service mode 3-way valve to CH request (no pump, no flame)
- Service mode 3-way valve to DHW request (no pump, no flame)
- Request to reset service request flag
- Service test 1 (OEM specific)
- Automatic hydronic air purge
Examples: RR=2, RR=0
- TP=id:entry[=value]
- Transparent Parameter — Read or write an individual Transparent
Slave Parameter (TSP).
This command can also be used to read individual Fault History Buffer (FHB)
entries. FHB entries can not be written.
Boiler manufacturers are free to define the meaning of TSPs and FHBs.
Examples: TP=11:5, TP=106:3=12
- SM=state
- Set summer mode. Indicate to the boiler when summer condition is in
effect. It depends on the boiler which effect this setting will have. When
state is 1, summer mode is forced active. When state is 0, the
thermostat controls the summer/winter mode. There is no option to force
winter mode.
Examples: SM=1, SM=0
- BW=state
- DHW blocking. Switch off all DHW functions of the boiler. This can be
used when some other equipment will provide DHW, like a solar boiler.
When state is 1, DHW blocking is forced on. When state is 0,
the thermostat controls DHW blocking. There is no option to force DHW
blocking to off.
- BS=temperature
- Boiler setpoint. Some boilers ignore certain controls sent by the
thermostat, based on the room temperature and room setpoint values.
Sending a different room setpoint can help to convince these boilers to do
what they are supposed to do.
Set the temperature to 0 to return to passing along the value specified by
the thermostat.
Examples: BS=16.3, BS=0
- MI=milliseconds
- Message interval. In stand-alone mode, the OTGW normally sends one
message per second. If information needs to be collected faster than that,
the message interval can be configured. This command specifies the number of
milliseconds the OTGW waits after receiving a message from the boiler before
it sends the next request. The specifications define that there must be a
gap of at least 100 ms. For this reason values below 100 ms are not accepted.
The specifications also say that a message must be sent at least every second.
Whichever condition happens first determines when the OTGW sends the next
Valid values are 100 to 1275. Values are rounded to the nearest multiple of
5 ms.
Set the interval to 1000 (or higher) to send messages at the normal rate of
one per second.
Examples: MI=300, MI=1000
- FS=state
- Fail safe feature. When the OTGW encounters an internal error that leads
to a reset due to the watchdog timer expiring, it falls back to fail safe
mode. In this mode the thermostat directly controls the boiler.
If one of the reasons the OTGW was introduced into the installation is to
handle some incompatibilities between the thermostat and the boiler, this
may be undesirable.
If the system is expected to work worse in fail safe mode than with a bug in
the firmware that may cause a sporadic reset, the fail safe feature can be
switched off with an FS=0 command. Use FS=1 to turn it back on.
Examples: FS=0, FS=1
Self Programming
Both the PIC16F88 and PIC16F1847 are able to read and write their own flash
memory. The gateway takes advantage of this possibility and allows the
firmware to be upgraded over the serial connection.
The method used to update the firmware is a slightly modified version of
Application Note AN851.
A new, blank PIC will need to be programmed initially using a PIC programmer.
But once it is loaded with firmware that includes the boot loader, any
subsequent firmware updates can be done via the self programming mechanism
implemented in OTmonitor.
There are three methods to enter self programming mode:
- Power-up or reset the device.
- Send a break condition on the serial line.
- Issue a GW=R command.
In response to either of these events, the firmware transmits an <ETX>
character. If no serial input is received within one second, or the first
received serial character is something other than <STX>, the device
does not enter self-programming mode and resumes normal operation.
Self-programming code upgrade
The self-programming code is part of the firmware, and modifying code while
it is being executed is not a good idea. So any self-programming tools must
make sure not to touch that part of the firmware during a normal upgrade.
The Firmware Upgrade feature of the Opentherm Monitor does indeed skip the
memory area containing the self-programming code when loading new firmware.
However, it may occasionally be desirable to upgrade the self-programming
code to fix a bug in that part. This is done using a special firmware image.
Such a self-programming upgrade firmware image contains a copy of the new
self-programming code in a different memory area, plus the code necessary to
move it into place. After the image has been loaded, the code that installs
the new self-programming code will run. This should only take about a second.
A message is printed when the process has completed.
The self-programming code upgrade firmware configures the comparators to
pass-through mode, which allows communication between the thermostat and the
boiler to take place. To restore the full functionality of the gateway, the
regular gateway firmware image must be reloaded.
The self-programming upgrade firmware has been designed in such a way that
the device is in an unbootable state for as little time as possible.
However there are a few microseconds in the upgrade process where it cannot
be guaranteed that the device will be able to boot if the power is removed
at that point. So, it is strongly advised to make sure the upgrade is
allowed to complete uninterrupted.
In the unlikely case that the device does become unbootable, a PIC
programmer will be needed to bring the gateway back to life.